Wednesday 3 March 2010

Statistics on Assisted Suicide

Simon Rogers from the Guardian has published statistics on the number of people that have carried out assisted suicide in a notable clinic in Switzerland. According to the data, since 1998, more UK citizens have used the clinic than Swiss nationals. Overall,German nationals are the most frequent users of the clinic. It would be interesting to reseearch the reasons behind this heavy use and whether they are tied in to provision of palliative care facilities.

According to the EAPC Task Force on the Development of Palliative Care in Europe, in 2006,
There is no national data about the palliative care workforce in Germany. It is estimated, however, that each palliative care unit has at least one full-time physician who is trained in palliative care. Inpatient hospices usually have no in-house doctor but work together with local GPs, of whom an increasing number have participated in a palliative care training course


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